Our Reconciliation Journey

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​​Each year at Monadelphous we recognise National Reconciliation Week as a time for us to reflect on our reconciliation journey to date, and the impactful actions we have taken toward promoting reconciliation within our sphere of influence. ​​

National Reconciliation Week is on every year from 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.

 The 2021 National Reconciliation Week theme, More than a word.​ Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action. 

Our journey so far: 

We formalised our first step towards promoting reconciliation in 2013 as we released our first Reconciliation Action Plan 2013 – 2014. Watch the video of the 2013 launch here:


​Following the successes of our first Plan, we released the Monadelphous Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2014 – 2016, which saw us work closely with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, providing clearer pathways for engagement with Indigenous Australian businesses, students and jobseekers. 

The re
lease of our first Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan in 2017 was a momentous occasion for the Monadelphous business, setting us apart from our competitors and establishing ourselves as a leader within the industry.  

As a result of th​e Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan, we developed important relationships within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, became signatories to the National Indigenous Australians Agency Employment Parity Initiative and established a partnership with the Graham (Polly) Farmer Foundation. 

RAP Launch 2013

The Hon. Fred Chaney AO, Nomad Two Worlds article Clifton Bieundurry and Rob Velletri at the 2013​​ Reconciliation Action Plan Launch 

cultural immersion

Some of the Monadelphous leaders on the Cultural Immersion tour, on Ballardong Country in 2019 

RAP journey

Mark, Steven, Steve and Matthew meet during the Tour at the Monadelphous offices in Bunbury, on Wardandi Noongar Country. 

Graham Polly Launch

Graham (Polly) Farmer Foundation and Monadelphous partnership Launch in Bunbury, Wardandi Noongar Country.


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