#pushforbetter mental health

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​​​​​​As part of the challenge, the Monadelphous 'Push Up' Community completed a massive 35,250 push ups across 25 days in 2021, and raised funds for Headspace, Lifeline, and the Push for Better Foundation to help improve mental health and suicide prevention.

The Monadelphous 'Push Up' Community was made up of five teams from across the business. 

What is the Push for Better Foundation and the Push-Up Challenge? 

Push for Better Foundation is a registered health promotion charity who focus on the prevention and early intervention of depression, anxiety and suicide through the promotion of their flagship event the Push-Up Challenge. The Push-Up Challenge is an annual event that provides a unique platform and opportunity to engage our workforce in mental health, to get fit, to connect with others and to learn about mental health.  

Over the event we aimed for 3,318 push-ups in 25 days to help raise awareness of mental health of the 3,318 lives lost to suicide in Australia in 2019. The Push-Up Challenge exists to encourage people to get fit, stay connected and learn about mental health. 

Our teams were proud to have participated in The Push-Up Challenge to help Australia #pushforbetter mental health. 

Special shoutouts to:

Top push-up team ​

EC HSE team "Under Construction" who achieved a total of 11,566 push-ups, with an honourable mention going to the M&IS Innovations / HSE hybrid team called P.R.I.S.M who completed 11,429 push-ups. A close race and one that went down to the final day.  

Top push-up individuals

Josh Barthahah, Jason Lamb and Adam Pearman who completed 3,318 push-ups each over the course of the 25 days. Check out all the achievements here.

Thank you to all the teams that supported, participated and those that generously donated. 

Iyou have any health and wellbeing suggestions for the Health and Wellbeing Advisory Group, please contact the team via Health and Wellbeing Program.

 Push up Challenge



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